Monday, August 18, 2008

Small mountains for God, big miracles for me

As many of you already know I am going to India for a few weeks in September on a mission trip. We are going to be in the northern mountains evangelizing to the slaves who work in the tea fields. Incredible, right? The past few weeks I have been raising financial support for my trip, and the money had been coming in, but it was coming in very slowly. I found out at our meeting last Wednesday that I still needed $1,100 dollars and I only had till Sunday at 6 to get it in. It was then I began getting nervous. I was not doubting that God could get me the money, but I did start to doubt if I was meant to go... until yesterday. Here is the story:

Thursday I began calling everyone I had sent a letter to asking them for money. Most of the people I called said they were not able to give, which left me with only Sunday to raise the money. Lately my job has been very demanding and I had two engagements on Friday and Saturday that I could not miss. So, Sunday it was. I got to church on Sunday very hopeful and knowing that God would provide. I went to Sunday school telling everyone how much I needed to raise, and a few people began to empty their wallets, $5 dollars here, $20 there. It was not much, but it was a start and I was thankful for every penny. When I got to the service I began to get nervous because I knew afterwards I had to inform my pastor on whether or not I had the money. The service ended, and I only had about $35. I walked downstairs to meet a few girls from the youth feeling completely defeated. When I saw my friends my eyes filled with tears, and I lost all control of myself. Determined, my new buddies Abbey and Samantha, began calling all of their friends asking to support me. Abbey immediately thought of her uncle and called him. She was on the phone with him for what seemed like forever, and when she finally hung up she said he would discuss it with his wife and call us back. The rest of that afternoon passed at a snail's pace. When I got to church I talked with a few people and got about $50 more. During the middle of the service I received a text message from Abbey saying her uncle, a man I had never met, was willing to give me $500. That meant I really only needed about $515 more. When I told my pastor what had happened he said that I had to decide that night if I wanted him to purchase the plane ticket. I knew then, after getting a check from a stranger that I could not say no. So, I went out on a limb and promised him that if I did not get the money from my supporters I would write him a check for an amount that I did not have. He agreed to pay my balance as long as I had the money at the church the next night by 6:00 PM

Today when I woke up I knew my only mission was to get that money. I went around my school asking teachers, and by the end of the day I left work with $135.... down to $380. My friend Gail called and asked me to come over to her house and she met me at the door with a $50 check... $330. I ran in to Chickfila to get some dinner and asked around a few people working there and was shot down, but then Abbey called again and said her mom had a check for me. So I drove back across town to receive a $100 check...$230. I called my Sunday school teacher and he asked me to meet him at church. When I got there he gave me $200. At 5:55 I was thirty dollars short, so I walked around the fellowship hall asking for the thirty dollars. I finally heard a voice that said, "I have thirty dolllars!" By the time she handed me the check it was at exactly 6:00 PM all my money for my plane ticket was in.

And Jesus said, "I will never leave you nor forsake you... whatever you ask in my name you will have..."
Praise the Lord.

Friday, August 1, 2008


About a week ago I got back from a mission trip to Clarkston, Ga which is really close to Stone Mountain. Although the drive down there was less than an hour, I felt like I was in another country. It was the hardest mission trip I have ever been on because of the children and staff we worked with. After the trip was over I realized that my purpose of the trip was to serve our volunteers instead of the kids. I prepared most of our materials before we left, so my job was to just help when needed. During the trip I met many new people, some of them being high school students. I have discovered a wonderful opportunity to mentor a few of these girls and I cannot wait to see what the next year holds.