Thursday, April 10, 2008

Not myself

Do you ever have those days where you just cannot get motivated to make something of yourself? Well, for the past month that has been my life. I really have so much to do: finish my masters, write about a million papers, and finish my missions application. However, the more I have to do, the less motivated I am to do it. I am really not sure where this comes from seeing as I am a habitual doer. I do not feel productive unless I can cross everything off my official to-do list. And yet, here I sit on my computer writing about how I just can't even begin to think about being productive. In fact, it is almost 3 in the afternoon and I am still in my pajamas listening to Ingrid. I need to do something. Get dressed. Clean. Anything to be productive. Maybe I am tired, maybe I am lazy, or maybe..... Maybe I know I am leaving in a year and I think that the less I do, the longer I can stay here. Don't get me wrong, I want to go on missions, but in all actuality is not something I would plan for myself. I like the idea of staying here, teaching, getting married.... But adventure is calling me and sometimes the call is so loud I can barely hear myself think. So maybe today is one of those days. Maybe today its ok to not be like my normal self. I think I will enjoy it. Spend it with people I love and just hope that they will inspire me to get moving like they normally do.

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